Hanagasa Festival

Genuine Hanagasa Dance - Quick Lesson

Kunpu Mogamigawa



Hold your hat with both hands, keeping to the rhythm by tapping your knees together 9 times.1



Raise your hat above your head and step forward, pushing the toes on your right foot down followed by your heel. Lightly tap the inner side of the hat with your left hand.2



Shift your weight slowly onto the right foot already in front of you and now continue to step forward with your left foot while spinning the hat, then tap the outer side of the hat.3


Continuing to spin your hat, move forward to the beat, first with your right foot then your left.23


Kasa Odori

Hold your hat with both hands, lower it to chest level and stand tall with both feet together.4


So-o ro-o

Wave your hat to your left in a flowing motion, tapping your left elbow, and draw your left foot back.5


Next, do the opposite and bring the hat to the right and draw your right foot back. Then, swiftly twist the upper part of your body to the left and rest your hat at chest level.6




Extend your hat toward your direction of movement as you step forward with your right foot, and replace the hat to its original position while continuing to move forward with your left foot.78



Now, stretch your right foot out as in a forward pushing motion and then lift your left foot up.9

Swiftly twist your torso to the right in the same manner as before, take 3 steps forward starting with your left foot while waving your hat back and forth, then lift your right foot up.


Choi Choi

Put your raised right foot back on the ground, stand erect with your feet together and then hold your hat up with both hands.10


Deho yo

Twist your torso to the right and bend your knees as you gaze straight ahead. Now, twist your torso to the left, bend your knees and gaze straight ahead.11

Ri-i Mada

Tap your knees with your hat 3 times as your body faces straight ahead.



Tap your knees with your hat to the beat of the music while walking with your right foot then left foot. Stop on the third step, put both feet together and stand still.12



Ha Yassho

Bounce your hat up to your top left and lift your right foot up. Then wave your hat back down to your lower right and bend your knees lowering your hips while moving your hat down to your lower right in a flowing motion.1314


Hold your hat above your head as you leap up with your left foot. Then lower your raised left foot ensuring your back is facing the traveling direction as you move your hat to your lower left in a flowing motion.


In the same manner as before rotate your body back to the right to face the traveling direction and stand erect. (Move clockwise taking 3 steps starting with your right foot then stand tall on the fourth step, waving your hat at the same time.)





Swiftly bounce your hat down to your lower left, and lower it in the traveling direction as if drawing a large half-circle as you move forward, with your right, left, then right foot. Lift your left foot up, then hop lightly on the spot, keeping this position.151617


Hop to the right with your left foot still up, and in the same manner take 3 steps forward, left, right, left, and then hop lightly on the spot with your right foot up. Put your right foot down and stand as seen in4, count one and repeat the dance from2

Zao Gyoko



Hold your hat with both hands, keeping to the rhythm by tapping your knees together 9 times.1



Raise your hat to the back of your head while shifting your right foot to the right.2



Move the raised hat to your left by drawing a large circle from the right enveloping your head and stretch your left arm out to your left side tapping your left elbow while shifting your weight onto your right leg, then look left.3


In the same manner as before, turn the hat from left to right, then look right.23




Put your right foot forward and move your hat to the front resting it face-down, then spin your hat around once while stepping forward with your left foot. Then stand tall with both feet together, resting the hat on your lap.451



Move your hat lightly from chest level to your lower left in a flowing motion, and put your right foot in front of you. 6 (as if fanning your left side)



Now, in a continuing motion, put your left foot forward and vigorously raise your hat over your head7 (Practice with some steps on the spot for a while and then move forward when you are ready.)



Extend your hat in the traveling direction, and put your right foot forward. Then put your hat back in its original position while putting your left foot forward.8

Ro-o ta

In the same manner as before but in the reverse movement, take 3 steps forward, starting with your raised left foot. Then raise the right foot while moving your hat to your lower right in a flowing motion. (Continuing from the previous movement, it should look like your hat is drawing a mountain.)




Take 2 steps forward, starting with your raised right foot while turning your hat like a steering wheel from right to left then right, then lower your hips by bending your knees on the third step.910

Choi Choi

Bring both feet together and stand tall. Tap your knees with your hat to the beat of the music.1





Lightly move your left foot to the left, shifting your weight at the same time and touch your right shoulder & right knee with your hat, then raise it to your upper right and look up at “the mountain.” (shoulder, knee, gaze up)111213

Ri-i Mada

In the same manner as before, now touch your left shoulder while shifting your weight to the right leg, touch your left knee and gaze toward your upper left.



Lower your hat to your right while bringing both feet together and standing with your left hand on your waist.14




Put your right foot in front of you and raise your left leg, hopping slightly at the same time, as you lower the hat down with your right hand from an upper right direction to a lower left direction. Next, put your left foot down in front of you, then bring your right foot to the left, stand tall, and in a robust action place the hat over your right shoulder.1516


Ha Yassho Makasho

Step toward the traveling direction with your right foot, and thrust your hat skyward twice.17


Now, step toward the traveling direction with your left foot, and thrust your hat skyward twice in the same manner. (like when cheering: ei, ei, o!)



Hold your hat up right in front of you as if gripping a steering wheel and call out “So-re!” Then, bring both feet together, lower your hips by bending the knees and next, deftly spread your feet wide apart wide so you are in a squatting position.18


Immediately thrust your hat to your left and right as in23, then proceed as in 45 and spin your hat around once, stand tall as you did in the beginning1, then repeat straight away again from2.

Note: The same movement is repeated twice in both the interlude as well as in the part where the singing starts.

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